I like to eat, eat , eat, pumpkins and apples
Pumpkins are everywhere at Trader Joe’s! Can’t even keep track at all the new fall items, there are SO many. The whole store is pretty much new and fall, so love them items pair together this well. I’m usually an eggs and toast kinda gal but saw this oatmeal and had to try it. Pecan pumpkin just seems like a perfect combo, and honeycrisp apple granola? Obsessed by the same only! Excited to see if the flavors live up to fall.
Fall be heavy lol. Both of these I usually avoid due to the high carbs and calories, just would rather save that for bread lol. But was planning a run this morning and figured I can use them! For granola too the numbers are high, but thats if you have 5 or 10 servings per bag. I’ve used this three times (twice in yogurt) and the bag is near full. If you use a little its just an amazing texture and flavor you can add to foods<3
The cutest little prep
Love the bag! Its a usual brown one but just fits fall as well<3 I opted to make it with hot water, the time it takes to boil 1/2 a cup of water is less then the microwave time. Plus I remember when I was young microwaved oatmeal could get caked on the edges and a little eh. On the right is the packet in a bowl, you can see tiny pecans in it! So excited they added that, such a nice touch and texture. It doesn’t fill the bowl but once you add that water it’ll grow.
Fall in a bowl!
It smells so good! Like walking into a Michaels store right now, just everything you think of fall. The oatmeal has a great pumpkin taste, but didnt get too much pecan. The texture was good and the measurements almost exact to make it right–may use a littttllllleee less water next time to make it slightly thicker. 7/10 for oatmeal, but 9/10 for honeycrisp apple granola! This is SO good! Good in oatmeal, good in yogurt, good on ice cream. I like it as an added crunch when added to something soft. I wouldn’t eat it plain but when added its great.