Sippin’ on Crushers, Toddler Review

Sippin' on Crushers, Toddler Review

It’s crusher time! My son is obsessed with the apple banana flavor, and just spotted apple mango last week. Thought it could give some variety and help his fruit intake a little more. He loves mango, loves the banana crusher, what could go wrong? Here’s his review of the new flavor and of his favorite one of the moment.

What’s in them?

Pretty good stuff! Both are almost identical nutrition wise, mango having just 10 more calories. Use these to help boost calories and get some fruit in my picky eater, so the more the merrier! Organic fruits in both along with a little acid for freshness, these do just sit on a shelf and are grab and go. Pretty damn good and second best to giving them real fruit, if their extra picky like mine its a homerun.

Mango time!

Loved the packaging and colors! The flavor……his face says it lol! NOT a fan. His first word was no as he pushed it away after a single sip. He loved the look of it, loves crushers, loves real mango! But……not this. I asked for more details and he just said his tummy doesn’t like it, asked to thrown them away 🙁 Hopping to donate since only one was opened or at least give them to friends with less picky eaters. Not a victory and shocked that he felt so strongly against it!

And the winner is!

Apple banana for the win! When I whipped out this one he umped for joy after the mango mess! LOVES them so much, hell crush two in a sitting it allowed. There perfect to pack in a bag as a quick snack, travel so well, and are pretty damn healthy. I’ll take a food win wherever I can get it, and these are a huge victory. Was really hoping he’d love mango, and this puts trying carrot wayyyyyy off. But at least have the apple banana goodness going on. He’d give Mango a 2 for color only, and banana a 10<3